Contribute to Our Independent Living Programs


SMILE Independent Living Center takes all types of donations: Cash, Checks, Endowment/Trust, Assistive Technology/Equipment, Products, to Volunteer Time. Monetary donations /contributions can be general or program specific. This is the donor’s choice and SMILE will ensure that all donated funds/contributions be used specifically for the program or service restricted by the donor. SMILE conducts annual Independent Audits that can be shared with funders as requested.

Accepted donated products consists of Equipment, shower chairs to magnifiers and any other devices that can be used to better and improve the lives of people with disabilities. SMILE will donate the equipment/aids out to the people in the communities that is in need of the equipment/aids. We can pick up any local donations in the Yuma or La Paz county or can be dropped off at the local office in Yuma.

Please call our office if you are interested in donating and have any questions.

Donate to SMILE Fundraisers for Program Services


Donate to SMILE for Program Services


Thank you for your Donation! Every dollar gets us that much closer to meeting the community’s needs. Yuma and La Paz county have lots of people that will be affected by your investment. You can take pride in your donation knowing that you’re improving the lives of people with disabilities in your community.

SMILE Thanks You

For cash/ check donation. Please mail one of the form listed below with your check. You can also stop by the office and we will be glad to give you a tour of the Facility.


1929 South Arizona Avenue Suite #11
Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone: (928) 329-6681
Fax: (928) 329-6715

“One day a man walking down the beach noticed that thousands of starfish had washed ashore, knowing that they would die if they were not returned to the ocean he thought about throwing them back in. But as he reached down he thought "I cannot throw them all back so what difference does it make". So he continued walking down the beach.

He then came across a boy who was bending down and picking up the starfishes and was throwing them back into the ocean. The man said to the boy “there are so many, why bother when you will never be able to get them all back into the ocean so what difference does it make?” The boy not saying a word reached down picked up a starfish and throws it into the ocean. He then turned to the man and said, “I might not save them all, but it matters to that one.”

The world is full of people with disabilities that need help. Make a difference today by becoming a subscriber to SMILE. You can have your donation taken automatically every month using a secure online payment. Your donation does matter and does make a difference to each person that receives services. Make a life count today.”